OPD Schedule of Best Cardiologist in Agra

Dr. CR Rawat – Best Cardiologist in Agra
Dr. CR Rawat is considered to be the best and top cardiologist in Agra. He is the President of Agra Chapter of Indian Academy of Echocardiography, President of UP Chapter of Indian Society of Cardiology President of Research Society for Study of Hypertension in India.
Dr. CR Rawat is the first to start cath lab services (angiography, angioplasty and stenting, pacemaker services) in Agra and nearby areas and hence is considered the father of modern cardiology of Agra.
Dr CR Rawat sees patient in his OPD Daily from 10am till 3 PM and then again from 4.30PM to 8.30 PM at AGRA HEART CENTRE AND MULTISPECIALTY HOSPITAL (5, CHURCH ROAD, CIVIL LINES, RAM NAGAR COLONY, AGRA)- CONTACT: 7830000618
It is better to book appointment before coming on 7830000618 and bring all previous records of the patient for a good fruitful consultation and advice accordingly.
Joint Second Opinion can also be done with 2 cardiologists- for patients from different doctor treatment, so that the best treatment course and advice can be given with multiple opinions culminating into one final verdict. This is specially valuable in case of complex problems in the same patient.
Heart Specialists are highly trained doctors with vast experience in cardiology cases and DR CR Rawat is the most experienced cardiologist in Agra.
For appointment: 7830000618
Agra Heart Centre and Multispecialty Hospital: 5, church Road, civil lines, Ram Nagar Colony, Agra.